Sunday, November 27, 2011

What else-- Thanksgiving!

We made a two day trip down to family near Seattle for Thanksgiving. Enoch was the most popular one in our family--- and we are so glad! He was well received and loved by his family! Thursday, we were at my family's house, then Friday, we went to Shaun's family's house.
Shawn Murray & Enoch in back of car on ride to my dad's house.
Saya, Noah, Laurel, Shawn, Shaun & Enoch, Lindsay, and Dad--- in front of The Big Meal
My dad-- who doesn't like getting his picture taken.
Resting Turkey. It was cooked in pieces...with a sage and parsley puree for flavor---hence the green color.
Me...with Yuko (my dad's wife) cooking in the background.
Enoch, Lindsay, Shaun (husband), Shawn (brother)...and dad in back.
Yuko making gravy.
Shawn- the brother- posing as a though he knows YOU!!!
Enoch's dinner-- he never ate.
Enoch played with some watering cans.
Yuko-- not cooking....ALMOST eating!
Shawn and Laurel enjoying the PIE.
My plate.
Enoch and my dad.
Finger in front of the flash-- but this is a group picture with Yuko.
 FRIDAY.....Shaun's parent's house.
Enoch playing cars with his cousins, Andrew (left) & Richie (right).
Still playing cars. Uncle Ree on the couch and Gramoo on back left chair.
Getting Gas-- Enoch ate a bagel.
 SATURDAY....OUR HOME... the next morning...a tower was built. I will call it-- Turkey Tower.
Thanksgiving 2011!!

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