Saturday, September 10, 2011

Camping at Ensign Ranch

We went camping on Thursday, but came home early on Friday morning to take Enoch to the doctor. He burned his left hand the night before after grabbing a metal telescoping smores stick that was hot. We put his hand in water for 20 minutes, then took him to the store to buy baby Tylenol. He fell asleep. In the morning he had a huge blister and burn lines. We got back to Bellingham and took him to see his doctor. It appears that his blister was pretty firm--and likely won't pop. That's great...but he gets to wear a bandage on his hand to keep the area protected and clean. 

Yesterday, when we came back, was our 5th wedding anniversary. We took a picture of us coming back from camping in the car....dirty from camping and getting very little sleep on our uncomfortable bed. 
BUT...we got that super happy clean feeling after taking showers when we got home. We did go out an get some Greek food for dinner because camp food--which we have yet to make all of-- isn't as good when we aren't camping. 

PS We will camp again someday...but will bring an amazing bed....and will be using wood smores sticks.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Happy Anniversary! Poor Enoch! That would be awful to have something like that happen and be so far from civilization. Glad to hear he is going to be ok.