Monday, September 6, 2010

Library Book Sale

So, it happened to be the library book sale---so, I found an old LIFE magazine from the 1940's. It's fascinating! There's a big article on what it was like inside a Japanese Internment Camp during WWII. It was so interesting to read the articles with a historical perspective. It was awful how the Japanese were treated---and yet in most every picture in the magazine's article--they had smiling pictures of the "prisoners." It was an educational gem for me to hold onto to show Enoch what life was like 70 years before he was born.

I did find a funny children's book that made me concerned--yet smile. It's called, "Fortunately." It was written in 1964 I think. Take a look at the front and back cover.

The whole book is full of these...happy fortunate things, followed by unfortunate things. It's about a little boy who's invited to a party---and the journey that unfold's to get him there. I love it!!!!

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